Overheard at a rest area from a group of tourists from the north: “Friend, have you seen that bird that runs on the ground instead of flying? You know, the one that slams lizards onto the ground until they die! What is it?” Anyone who has seen the Greater Roadrunner scuttling through desert scrub, trotting down the roadside, or calling mournfully from atop your rooftop swamp cooler needs no elaborate name to remember it.
Indeed, our state bird, the Greater Roadrunner, a member of the cuckoo family, is not only fascinating in his habits, it also is the subject of myths and folklore. One of the best myths is that the roadrunner traps sleeping rattlesnakes by encircling them with cholla cactus sections. As soon as the corral is complete, the bird wakes up the snake by dropping a piece of cactus on it. Then, when the snakes tries to escape, it is fatally injured on the spines, an easy meal for an opportunistic bird. Perhaps it is stories like these that were responsible for the roadrunner/coyote cartoons in which the roadrunner always outsmarted the coyote.
The Greater Roadrunner has been credited with supernatural powers too, and has been called War Bird, Snake Eater, or Medicine Bird. Petroglyphs of the bird occur in the canyons of southern New Mexico and, in Arizona, the Hopi used symbol “X,” depicting the distinctive track of their zygodactyl foot, on Kachina figures to ward off evil spirits. Because two toes face forward and two back, the spirits cannot follow Roadrunner because direction of its travel is unknown.
In Pueblo culture, a safe afterlife is ensured by placing roadrunner tracks around the house of the dead in order to mislead evil spirits as to course taken by departed soul. Roadrunner feathers provide good luck and confuse evil spirits, and also symbolize courage, strength, and endurance. Many American Indian tribes ate roadrunners to acquire stamina and swiftness. In Mexico, roadrunner flesh was thought to cure itch and boils, purify blood, and stimulate growth in flowers. And, the Greater Roadrunner takes the place of stork in bringing babies. There is simply no end to the tales that surround the signature bird of the desert southwest.
With special adaptations that allow it to thrive in the hostile environment of the arid southwest, the Roadrunner thrives and can be found north into southeastern Colorado, west to the Pacific Ocean and east to western Louisiana. An opportunistic predator, it feeds on snakes, lizards, spiders, scorpions, snails, insects, birds, rodents, and bats, which it beats repeatedly against a hard substrate before consuming. The beating pulverizes the prey so it can be swallowed whole as the roadrunners bill does not allow the bird to tear apart its food. Quick learners, they capture small birds at feeders and nest boxes, with a seeming preference for unwary hummingbirds. One was observed leaping from a hiding spot in a dry riverbed to capture a low-flying White-throated Swift.
Built for life on the run, the roadrunner can reach running speeds of 18 miles per hour holding its head and tail flat and parallel to the ground to reduce wind resistance. Roadrunners prefer running over flight and generally only take flight when threatened or to reach a higher perch. Because of the preference to run, one of the major causes of mortality is collisions with vehicles. Further adaptations suited for life in an arid environment include:
- Black skin that absorbs sunlight: A roadrunner will turn its back to the sun, fluff its feathers, and expose the skin along its back to warm up.
- Salt glands in the eyes excrete excess salt from the blood. These glands are common in ocean-going birds that drink seawater. The roadrunner gets most of its fluid needs met from eating live prey with a high water content, although they also drink water when it is available

Greater Roadrunners are monogamous, maintain long-term pair bonds, and mutually defend a large multipurpose territory that just might include your yard. Roadrunners are hugely popular in the neighborhoods where they occur, and in some areas have been handfed by well-intentioned people. However; roadrunners are true carnivores, with nutrient needs that can only be met by consuming whole animals or insects. While a roadrunner may eat meatballs set out by us, in addition to having a high fat content, ground meat lacks the critical nutrients necessary for the bird’s survival. So resist the urge to build a closer relationship with the seeming friendly fellow, as fascinating as he might seem.
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An excellent article. Compliments
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